
Mastering the CFP Board Technology Standard: A Guide for Certified Financial Planners

Written by Heath Jackson, CFP, RCC, CPM | Feb 3, 2024 12:06:23 AM

Discover how to effectively implement the new CFP Board Technology Standard and enhance your practice as a Certified Financial Planner.

Understanding the CFP Board Technology Standard

The CFP Board has recently implemented new technology standards for Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) professionals. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of these standards to effectively comply with them. These standards, which are outlined in Section A.14 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, are specifically designed to promote responsible and ethical integration of technology into client service.

To fully comprehend the CFP Board Technology Standard, it is essential to exercise due diligence and sound judgment when selecting, using, or recommending technology for client service. This involves conducting thorough research on the technology, gaining a clear understanding of its capabilities and limitations, and ensuring that it aligns with the best interests of your clients.

Moreover, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the underlying assumptions and potential outcomes associated with any technology you choose to utilize. This includes familiarizing yourself with the algorithms, data sources, and potential biases inherent in the system. By having a comprehensive understanding of the technology at hand, you can make well-informed decisions and provide reliable and objective outcomes for your clients.

Key Principles of the CFP Board Technology Standard

The CFP Board Technology Standard is based on key principles that guide the responsible and ethical use of technology by Certified Financial Planners. These principles include:

1. Reasonable Care and Judgment: When selecting, using, or recommending technology for client service, CFP® professionals must exercise due diligence and sound judgment. This involves researching the technology, understanding its capabilities and limitations, and ensuring it aligns with your clients' best interests.

2. Understanding the Technology: To comply with the standard, it is important to have a clear grasp of the underlying assumptions and potential outcomes associated with any technology you employ. This involves understanding the algorithms, data sources, and potential biases inherent in the system.

3. Reliable and Objective Outcomes: The technology you use should produce results that are trustworthy, unbiased, and appropriate for your clients' specific needs and circumstances.

Conduct a Tech Stack Audit to Ensure Compliance

Don't wait for a wake-up call. Proactively safeguard your clients' data and optimize your practice with a technology stack audit. This comprehensive review unveils hidden vulnerabilities, streamlines workflows, and ensures compliance with the latest CFP Board standards. Imagine: enhanced security, boosted efficiency, and happier clients. Take control of your tech and future-proof your firm with a technology audit. It's an investment in trust, transparency, and peace of mind.


  1. Assemble your team: Include individuals with expertise in technology, compliance, and financial planning.
  2. Define the scope of the audit: Will it cover all technology, specific applications, or specific areas like cybersecurity?
  3. Gather relevant documents: This includes technology contracts, policies, procedures, risk assessments, vendor information, and incident reports.
  4. Choose audit tools and methodologies: Consider using data analytics tools for efficient review and standardized checklists for consistency.

Inventory and Assessment:


    • Inventory all hardware assets (computers, servers, storage devices, etc.).
    • Assess age, security measures, maintenance practices, and disposal procedures.
    • Evaluate physical security and access controls.


    • List all software applications used.
    • Verify licensing compliance and identify unauthorized software.
    • Assess functionality, security features, updates, and patch management.
    • Evaluate data encryption and user access controls.


    • Map the network architecture and identify critical components.
    • Assess firewall configurations, intrusion detection systems, and vulnerability management practices.
    • Evaluate secure wireless access and network segmentation.

Data Management:

    • Identify data types stored and used within the firm.
    • Assess data security, backup and recovery procedures, and access controls.
    • Evaluate compliance with data privacy regulations (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR).

Vendor Management:

    • Review vendor contracts for security provisions, service level agreements, and data ownership clauses.
    • Assess vendor security practices and data breach notification procedures.
    • Evaluate the firm's third-party risk management processes.

Internal Processes:

    • Procedures: Review procedures, automations, trainings, etc. for needed improvement
    • Employee training and awareness: Regularly educate employees on cybersecurity best practices and data privacy regulations.
    • Disaster recovery and business continuity plans: Test the effectiveness of these plans regularly.

Analysis and Reporting:

  1. Identify vulnerabilities and gaps: Analyze findings from the inventory and assessment stages.
  2. Evaluate compliance with the CFP Board Technology Standard.
  3. Prioritize risks and potential impact on client information and service.
  4. Develop recommendations for improvement: Address vulnerabilities, enhance security, and improve compliance.
  5. Document the audit process and findings: Prepare a comprehensive report for stakeholders.

Effective Client Communication

Effective client communication is crucial when implementing the CFP Board Technology Standard. It is important to communicate openly and transparently with your clients about the technology you use and how it impacts their financial planning experience.

When discussing technology with clients, address their concerns and ensure they understand the potential benefits and limitations of the tools employed. This will help build trust and confidence in your practice.

Additionally, make sure to regularly update your clients on any changes or updates to the technology you use. By maintaining open lines of communication, you can ensure that your clients are informed and engaged in the technology-driven aspects of their financial planning.

Remember, effective client communication is key to providing excellent service and maintaining strong client relationships.

Need Help?

Are you overwhelmed by the new CFP Board technology standards? Worried your tech stack might be outdated or lack security? Struggling to effectively communicate with clients in today's digital landscape?

You're not alone. Navigating the ever-evolving world of technology can be complex, especially for busy financial advisors. But it doesn't have to be a headache. That's where I come in.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute session with me, and I'll help you:

    • Understand the new CFP Board technology standards and how they apply to your practice.
    • Perform a quick tech stack pre-audit, identifying any vulnerabilities or outdated applications.
    • Develop a roadmap for compliance, ensuring your technology choices are ethical, secure, and client-focused.

Here's what you get:

    • Expert insights: Benefit from my extensive experience in financial technology and client communication.
    • Personalized guidance: Receive a tailored plan specific to your firm's needs and goals.
    • No pressure, just value: No sales pitch, just valuable insights and actionable recommendations.

Don't wait for a compliance issue or lose clients due to communication gaps. Take control of your technology and ensure your practice is thriving in the digital age.

Schedule your complimentary session today!

Together, let's build a future-proof practice that prioritizes both compliance and client satisfaction.

Additional Resources: