
Creating the Infinite Advisory Firm through Purpose, Impact, & Belonging

Written by Heath Jackson, CFP, RCC, CPM | Feb 16, 2024 5:42:55 PM

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, it is essential for financial planning firms to go beyond traditional transactional approaches and embrace a purpose-driven strategy. Customers and employees alike are seeking more meaningful experiences that align with their values and contribute to society. I recently read Alex Brueckmann's book, The Strategy Legacy. While the book is not written to financial planning firms, they can create a lasting impact and build a legacy that extends beyond financial success by implementing the authors techniques.

Shaping a Meaningful Legacy

Great leaders actively shape their legacies by focusing on three main components: personal leadership, organizational culture, and societal impact. Personal leadership involves self-reflection, self-awareness, and ethical decision-making. Leaders should serve as positive role models, inspiring ethical choices and actions within the organization. Building a conscious, people-focused culture is equally important, as it sets the tone for the organization and impacts both professional and personal lives. Lastly, financial planning firms should consider the wider impact of their business practices on society. By embracing socially and environmentally responsible business models, these firms can make a positive contribution to local communities and the global stage.

Offering Purpose to Attract Talent

In order to attract top talent, financial planning firms must go beyond offering competitive salaries. Employees today are seeking a sense of purpose and belonging in their work. To provide this deeper meaning, firms should focus on three key elements: impact, principles, and mission. Impact involves translating the firm's purpose into action, shifting the focus from financial success to building a business and life of significance. Principles guide desired behaviors within the organization, reflecting non-negotiable values that align with the firm's purpose. Lastly, having a clear and understandable mission statement helps employees connect with the firm's overall purpose and direction.

Walking the Walk: Turning Purpose into Action

Acknowledging a broader responsibility is not enough; financial planning firms must also follow through on their purpose. Consumers, employees, and investors can discern whether a firm is genuinely committed to its declared purpose or merely paying lip service. It is crucial for firms to align their actions and values with their purpose, ensuring that it is observed and felt throughout the organization. This requires a shift from superficial purpose statements to tangible impact. By actively pursuing their purpose and creating positive change, financial planning firms can demonstrate their true value and credibility.

Designing the Organization for Success

To support the firm's purpose and strategic goals, the organizational design should align with its identity. This involves structural and process alterations that reinforce the new organizational identity. Leadership development plays a critical role in driving the desired change, equipping leaders with the necessary skills and understanding. Overcoming resistance to change within the organization requires shedding obsolete management systems and fostering an environment of positive attitudes and support. HR systems, incentive structures, marketing efforts, and client relations should all be realigned to reflect the firm's new identity.

Embodying a Purpose-Driven Identity

Transforming into a purpose-driven financial planning firm is not a simple task but an essential one. It requires a harmonious interplay of various elements, including strategy, vision, positive attitudes, and effective governance structures. By swiftly and effectively implementing changes, financial planning firms can ensure that their transformation is deeply ingrained in their operational fabric. This re-engineering of management systems is a crucial step toward embodying a new, purpose-driven identity that resonates through every aspect of the organization.


Financial planning firms have the opportunity to build a purpose-driven legacy that extends beyond financial success. By embracing purpose, fostering ethical cultures, and making positive societal contributions, these firms can create meaningful workplaces that attract top talent and resonate with customers. Just as Alfred Nobel transformed his legacy from the "Merchant of Death" to a benefactor of humanity, financial planning firms can leave their mark by aligning their actions with their purpose and making a lasting impact.

By incorporating the insights from The Strategy Legacy, financial planning firms can navigate the changing business landscape and build a legacy that stands the test of time.

I’d welcome the opportunity to help you grow your firm by driving purpose, impact, and belonging inside of your practice. Strategy, tools, and execution that can help you create the infinite advisory practice is our expertise!